Common Renovation Problems in Singapore & How To Fix Them

September 16, 2023
Credit: CNA

Renovating your home in Singapore is an exciting undertaking for any new homeowner, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Unfortunately, many of the hurdles related to homeowners are caused by renovation contractors, and it is saddening to learn that the people entrusted with such a monumental task are the ones impeding it. Sometimes, these problems are resolvable, such as delayed timelines, however, there are also instances where they are not, such as when the renovation contractor goes MIA. In the first half of 2023 alone, CASE (Consumers Association of Singapore) reported a total of 631 complaints toward renovation contractors. In this article, we will look at some of the complaints lodged by homeowners against renovation contractors to CASE, and also the steps you can take to prevent yourself from falling into a similar situation.

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Unsatisfactory Workmanship

Credit: Stacked Homes

One of the most frequent grievances lodged with the Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE) relates to unsatisfactory workmanship by renovation contractors. This issue encompasses a wide range of problems that homeowners encounter during or after their renovation projects This can encompass the following:

Poor Quality Finishes

Subpar finishes include unevenly painted walls, improperly installed fixtures, or floors with visible flaws. Such deficiencies can significantly impact the overall aesthetics and functionality of the renovated area.

Inadequate Material Usage

Contractors who cut costs will use low-quality materials or cut corners. This can result in materials deteriorating prematurely, requiring costly replacements or repairs shortly after the renovation.

Aesthetic Discrepancies

Homeowners may have specific design or aesthetic preferences for their renovation projects. Complaints may arise if the final result does not align with the agreed-upon design, color schemes, or overall vision.

Delays in Project Completion

Credit: Property For Sale

Delays in project completion are a pervasive source of frustration for homeowners engaging renovation contractors, as it often requires them to find an alternative place to stay. These delays can have various causes and consequences, and they significantly impact the renovation experience. Here are some things that can cause delays:

Unforeseen Complications

Resale renovation projects often involve uncovering hidden issues within a home's structure, such as plumbing or electrical problems, that were not initially apparent. When these issues occur, fixing them can extend the project timeline.

Material Shortages

Delays can occur if essential materials, fixtures, or furnishings are unavailable or back-ordered. Contractors may need to wait for these items to become available, stalling the project. Material shortages were understandably prevalent during COVID-19, as the pandemic hindered the production and delivery of renovation materials.

Inefficient Project Management

Poor project management, including inadequate scheduling and resource allocation, can lead to delays. Mismanagement on the part of an incompetent project manager can result in tasks not being completed in a logical or efficient order, causing project bottlenecks.

Budget Overruns and Overcharging

Budget overruns occur when the final cost of the renovation exceeds the initial agreed-upon budget. This can be frustrating for homeowners as they may have to reach into their savings or emergency funds to pay for their renovation, resulting in them lodging a complaint. Here’s how they occur:

Incomplete Initial Estimates

If the initial estimate provided by the contractor is not comprehensive and does not include all necessary costs, such as permits, waste removal, or finishing materials, unforeseen expenses may begin to creep as the project progresses.

Poor Budget Management

Contractors or IDs who have poor budget management can cause budget overruns if they overspend on materials or labour.

Lack of Pricing Transparency

Some unscrupulous contractors may introduce hidden fees or unexpected charges during the project. This may result in homeowners receiving bills that are higher than expected without a clear breakdown of expenses.

Poor Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful renovation project. When homeowners encounter communication problems with renovation contractors, it can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and dissatisfaction. Here's what commonly happens:

Poor Clarity

Misunderstandings often arise due to unclear communication. This includes ambiguities in the project scope, design preferences, or expectations. When both parties aren't on the same page, it can result in costly errors.

Inadequate Updates

Homeowners may feel left in the dark if they don't receive regular updates on the project's status. They may be unsure about what's been completed, what's next, and the overall timeline.

Lack of Responsiveness

One of the most common communication issues is the contractor's failure to respond promptly to calls, emails, or messages. Unresponsive contractors can cause stress and anxiety for homeowners, as the radio silence can leave them feeling uncertain.

Incomplete Work

Credit: Renonation

Incomplete work is a significant source of frustration for homeowners undergoing renovation projects. This complaint arises when contractors fail to finish all aspects of the project as agreed upon. Here's a closer look at this issue:

Unfinished Areas

Homeowners may find that certain areas or components of the renovation project have been left incomplete. This could include unpainted walls, missing fixtures, incomplete carpentry, or unfinished flooring.

Non-Functional Spaces

In some cases, homeowners are left with non-functional spaces due to incomplete work. For example, a kitchen renovation may leave the cooking area unusable or without essential appliances.

Contract Disputes

Contract disputes are a frequent source of frustration and tension between homeowners and renovation contractors. These disputes often arise from ambiguities in contracts or disagreements over the scope of work. Such conflicts can lead to project delays and financial concerns. Here's a more detailed exploration of this issue:

Ambiguities in Contracts

Contracts that lack clarity or specificity can give rise to disputes. Homeowners and contractors may interpret terms differently, leading to conflicting expectations regarding the scope of work, materials, or project timeline.

Scope Creep

Disagreements over the scope of work are common. Scope creep occurs when additional tasks or changes are requested, leading to disputes over whether these are included in the original contract or require additional payment.

Payment Disputes

Payments are a common point of contention. Homeowners may withhold payments due to perceived incomplete or unsatisfactory work, while contractors may demand payment as per the contract terms.


Credit: Renonation

This is perhaps the one issue homeowners hope they never have to deal with, as they have immense financial and legal repercussions for homeowners. Fraud can take various forms, and it typically involves dishonest actions or misrepresentations by renovation contractors.

Forgery and False Documentation

Fraudulent contractors may forge documents, such as receipts, invoices, or permits, to deceive homeowners into thinking that work has been completed or materials have been purchased.

Payment Without Work

In extreme cases of fraud, contractors may demand upfront payments or full payment but perform little to no work. Homeowners are left with unfinished projects and depleted funds. In some instances, contractors disappear entirely after receiving payments, leaving homeowners with unfinished and abandoned projects.

Prevent Renovation Issues With HomePay

Unfortunately for most homeowners who have experienced such challenges, very little can be done to hold their contractors accountable. It is also very unlikely for them to get their money back if their contractor has absconded. Therefore, when it comes to renovation issues between homeowner and contractor, prevention is most definitely better than cure. With HomePay, you can prevent renovation issues and embark on your home improvement journey with peace of mind. Here’s how we can help:

Escrow Protection

HomePay acts as a trusted intermediary between you, the homeowner, and your contractor or interior designer. When you engage in a renovation project, you can place your funds securely in HomePay's MAS-approved wallet system. These funds are held in a DBS custodian account, offering you financial security and peace of mind.

Milestone-Based Payments

HomePay's payment system is designed to align with project milestones. Rather than making full upfront payments, you release funds to your contractor or designer as work progresses and meets predefined checkpoints. This ensures that your money is disbursed appropriately, minimising the risk of incomplete work or payment disputes.

HomeProtect: Added Security

HomePay goes the extra mile by introducing HomeProtect, a safeguard against unforeseen events. In the unlikely event of a contractor or designer firm closure, your funds are protected. HomePay's commitment to your financial well-being ensures that your investment remains secure.

Your Home, Your Future

Don't let renovation concerns deter you from turning your vision into reality. HomePay empowers you to protect your money and your dreams, ensuring that your renovation journey is as enjoyable as the finished result.

Take the first step towards a stress-free renovation experience with HomePay. Your home deserves the best, and HomePay is here to make it happen. Your dream home is within reach, and HomePay is your trusted partner on this exciting journey.