HomePay's Must-Do Defect Checklist Before Your Home Renovation

June 26, 2024

HomePay's Must-Do Defect Checklist Before Your Home Renovation

Congrats! You’ve just received the keys to your home! However, there’s just one thing to do before you hack down the doors and paint the walls— the defect check. At Homepay, we are dedicated to making the renovation experience smoother and more efficient for homeowners, so we’ve prepared a renovation checklist just for you!

Read on to learn more about the common defects in areas around the home, or download our Homepay app for a more comprehensive checklist!

Why Do a Thorough Defect Check Before Renovation?

Before you dive into your renovation project, it's crucial to ensure that your home is in good condition. Addressing any existing issues beforehand is essential because once the renovation work begins, rectifying defects with HDB or your condo developer can become challenging, because no one knows whether any defects were there to begin with or if they were caused by your renovation. Taking the time to thoroughly inspect your home and ensure everything is in order will save you time, money, and stress in the long run.

What to Bring for Your Defect Check

Your house may come empty, but that doesn’t mean that you should show up empty handed. To conduct a proper defect check, here are some essentials you’ll want to bring:

Painter’s Tape, Post-its and Writing Materials

These are the items you will use for labeling your defects. Use painter’s tape for more obvious defects, such as cracks and holes, and post-its for defects that cannot be seen by the naked eye, such as creaky doors and shaky hardware.

Powerful Flashlight

Your iPhone’s flashlight won’t cut it. Using a powerful flashlight allows you to examine areas of your home in greater detail as compared to using your smartphone.

Phone Charger

This is not just to juice your phone. Your phone charger can be used to test the different switches and sockets around your home.

Doors and Windows Defect Checklist


Check that your doors open and close properly without scraping or sticking. Test all locks and handles to ensure they’re functioning as intended. Examine doors for any visible damage like scratches, watermarks, or rust and note areas that may need repairs or replacement. 


Open all windows to confirm they’re opening and closing smoothly without difficulty. Inspect window panes and seals for any cracks, and ensure that the latches are secured properly.

Walls, Floors and Ceilings Defect Checklist


Inspect the walls for cracks, chips or unfinished paint jobs. Press on the walls to check for any “spongy” or uneven areas which could indicate water damage or structural issues. Check that any wall fixtures like mirrors, art or shelves are properly installed and show no signs of coming loose.


Walk through each room and check that the floors feel solid underfoot, with no sagging or squeaking. Look for any scratches, stains, tears or gouges in wood, tile or laminate flooring. Run your hands along the edges of the flooring to check for any areas where the flooring is coming loose or lifting up. Check that any transitions between flooring types are secure with no trip hazards.


Scan the ceilings for signs of water damage like stains, sagging or mold. Check that lighting fixtures, smoke detectors, and any ceiling fans are properly installed and show no signs of coming loose. Look for any cracks radiating out from the corners or edges of the ceiling which could indicate structural damage. 

Doing a thorough defect check of the walls, floors and ceilings in your home before starting a renovation will give you peace of mind that any issues can be addressed. For these areas, if you notice any major structural or water damage, it could signify a critical underlying defect and it’s best to inform HDB or your developer before proceeding with your renovation plans.

Electrical and Plumbing Defect Checklist


When checking the electrical systems in your home, be on the lookout for any issues that could become bigger problems down the line. Bring your phone charger to test all sockets and ensure they’re functioning properly. Check for any exposed or frayed wires that could pose a safety risk.


For plumbing, run the taps to check water pressure and flow in all areas of the home. Check under sinks for any signs of leaks or water damage. Run the shower to ensure proper drainage—water should always be flowing towards the drain cover. Look for chips, cracks or shakiness in fixtures like sinks, toilets and bidets. 

Get the Full HomePay Defect Checklist for Your Upcoming Renovation

Defect checking may seem like a tedious and stressful process, but catching issues early can prevent bigger headaches down the road. In fact, if you would like to avoid a headache altogether, you can engage a trusted interior designer (ID) to handle this process for you. An experienced and reliable ID should be able to conduct a thorough defect check for you, with proper recording and marking. Need help looking for an ID? You can look through HomePay’s ID directory to find a reliable ID that can help bring your dream home to life.

In the HomePay app, you can also find many useful resources for your home renovation journey. Inside the app, you can also find our complete defect checklist, and even check off the areas of your home as you go about your checks! Download the HomePay app today and make your renovation journey a breeze.