Renovation Warranties And Why They Are Important

March 13, 2024

Renovation Warranties And Why They Are Important

While you may be tempted to sign your renovation contract right away, there should be some items that you should definitely not gloss over, one of which being the ‘Warranties’ section. Warranties are a crucial part of any renovation contract, covering defects, poor workmanship and more down the line. Today, we’ll be sharing what a renovation warranty should entail and why it matters.

What is a Renovation Warranty?

Renovation warranties are crucial to protect you financially after your remodelling works are completed. Essentially, a warranty ensures that any defects arising from poor workmanship or materials, as well as hardware failures before their projected lifespan will be rectified at no extra cost to you.

What Key Areas Should Your Renovation Warranty Cover?

Structural Integrity

A comprehensive renovation warranty should cover the structural integrity of your home after the renovation. This includes things like the stability of large fixtures. Structural defects can be extremely costly to repair, so make sure this is included.

Electrical and Plumbing Systems

Having warranty coverage for electrical and plumbing systems provides peace of mind that these critical systems were installed properly and are functioning well. Check that the warranty specifics the types of electrical and plumbing components covered, like Electrical Distribution Board (DB Box), wiring, lighting fixtures, pipes, faucets, water heaters, etc.

Materials, Mechanisms and Hardware

Warranties should be provided for carpentry, hardware mechanisms and workmanship, and should cover wear and tear. These warranties can range from 12-60 months depending on your ID or contractor. 

Renovation warranties give you assurance that your interior designer (ID) or contractor will stand behind their work. They protect you financially in case any problems arise, and give you confidence that your newly renovated home will serve you well for years to come. When reviewing your renovation contract, pay close attention to the details of the warranty to ensure all key areas like carpentry, hardware mechanisms, electrical works, plumbing, and finishes are sufficiently covered. Be sure to check that your warranty clearly states wear-and-tear as well, so that you can make any claim in future if you have to!

Why Are Warranties Crucial for Your Home Renovation?

When undertaking a home renovation project, warranties are essential to protect your investment and provide peace of mind. As a homeowner, you want the assurance that the work done and materials used are of good quality and workmanship. Warranties are important for several reasons:

Financial Protection

Unforeseen issues like water seepage or wiring defects can lead to costly repairs. Warranties safeguard you from such expenses within the coverage period.

Quality Assurance

Warranties reflect the level of confidence your designer or contractor has in their work. They assure you of the quality, craftsmanship and durability.

Peace of mind

With a comprehensive warranty in place, you can rest easy knowing any defects will be rectified without incurring additional charges.

Avoiding Pitfalls in Your Renovation Contract

Once your renovation is complete, the last thing you want is surprise repair bills or defects that weren’t covered. That’s why making sure that your renovation warranty is comprehensive is so important. As a homeowner, it’s up to you to double check that your contract covers all the key areas and avoids common pitfalls such as the ones below:

Vague Coverage Details

The warranty should clearly specify what exactly is covered, like structural integrity, electrical systems, plumbing, and finishes. If the coverage seems too broad or unclear, ask your ID for more details. You need to know what will be repaired or replaced, and for how long.

Complicated Claim Processes

An effective warranty outlines a straightforward process for making a claim, should issues arise. Be wary of warranties that seem overly complicated or require excess paperwork. You want to ensure any claims can be addressed efficiently.

Hidden Exclusions

Watch out for fine print that excludes coverage for certain types of damage or specific areas of your home. As for warranty periods, different IDs may offer different timeframes, and it can leave a huge question mark to what the standard is. Don’t worry, we gotchu!

Based on our experience with different IDs and contractors in Singapore, waterproofing is usually warranties for 5 years and voided in the case of hacking or alteration works. For air conditioners, the workmanship is usually protected for 1 year and the compressor equipment is protected for 5 years. As for other hardware and mechanisms, this can range from 12 to 60 months, so you might need to check witn your ID!

At Homepay, we recommend looking at HDB— Major exclusions like water damage or coverage for only 1 year are red flags. Your warranty should be comprehensive and provide adequate coverage for at least 2-5 years post-renovation for works that are meant to be durable/

Lack of Designer Responsibility

The best warranties clearly state that your interior designer is responsible for remedying any defects covered under the warranty. This helps ensure the work is done properly by the team who did the original renovation. Make sure your designer’s responsibilities regarding the warranty are explicitly outlined.

Secure Your Renovation with Homepay

At Homepay, we’re all about simplifying the renovation process while giving homeowners better clarity when making decisions. That’s why, using HomePay, you can view the details of your renovation contract and ensure all the important clauses like warranties are included! When discussing your renovation with your ID-to-be, we encourage homeowners to communicate clearly and ask as many questions as possible. That way, you’ll be able to understand coverage specifics, claim processes, and avoid common pitfalls. Remember, an inadequate or unclear warranty is not much use at all!

Renovation warranties can give you an invaluable peace of mind and financial protection during and after your home remodelling project. Thankfully with the HomePay app, you can have the peace of mind that comes with a secure and well-documented project. 

The Homepay app is Singapore’s first renovation payment app for homeowners. Using the app, not only are you able to examine the fine print of your renovation project, you are also able to communicate with your ID on the app and keep track of your renovation progress. Not only that, when you pay with HomePay, we securely hold your renovation funds in a MAS-approved wallet system and release payments to your interior designer only when you approve your renovation work on—you guessed it, the Homepay app! Never fear renovating your home and transact securely with the Homepay app— the preferred way to pay.