The Only Checklist You Need For Engaging An Interior Designer

May 15, 2024

The Only Checklist You Need For Engaging An Interior Designer

When it comes to renovating your home, selecting the right interior designer (ID) is paramount to the success of your project. At Homepay, we understand the importance of this decision, which is why we've crafted the ultimate checklist to guide you through the process. Simply follow this checklist as you go about choosing your ID, and you’re sure to find the right person for the job!


The background of your potential ID is the first thing you want to check. This ensures that they are, indeed, IDs and their company exists. Here are some things to check for:

Social Media Presence

If you’re always on social media, this is the first thing you can start with. Look for their official accounts on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest. Social media provides valuable insights into the ID's design aesthetic, recent projects, client interactions, and overall professionalism. Pay attention to the quality of their work showcased on these platforms and how they engage with their audience.

Online Reviews and Testimonials

Read online reviews and testimonials from previous clients. Platforms like Google Reviews may feature testimonials from satisfied clients. Reading through these reviews can give you an idea of the ID's reliability, communication style, and ability to meet client expectations.

Recent News or Press Releases

Check if the ID has been featured in any recent news articles, press releases, or design publications. Being recognized or featured in the media can indicate the ID's credibility, expertise, and contribution to the industry. You can also look for any awards or accolades they may have received for their work.

Accreditations and Certifications

While accreditations such as those from HDB (Housing & Development Board), BCA (Building and Construction Authority), or bizSAFE are desirable, it's essential to note that not all reputable IDs may possess them. However, these accreditations can serve as indicators of the ID's commitment to quality, safety, and professionalism. Verify whether the ID holds any relevant certifications and inquire about their significance in relation to your project.

Professional Affiliations

You can check if your ID is affiliated with any professional organisations or associations within the interior design industry. Membership in organisations such as the Interior Design Confederation Singapore (IDCS) or the Society of Interior Designers Singapore (SIDS) can reflect the ID's adherence to industry standards and ethics.

Design Ideas & Style

One of the most critical aspects to consider is their design aesthetic and style. Here's how you can evaluate whether an ID's portfolio aligns with your ideas and preferences:

Portfolio Review

Begin by thoroughly reviewing the ID's portfolio, which typically showcases their past projects. Look for diversity in the types of spaces they have worked on, including residential homes, commercial spaces, or specific rooms like kitchens, bathrooms, or living areas. Pay attention to the overall design themes, color palettes, and architectural elements present in their projects.

Consistency and Cohesion

Assess the consistency and cohesion in the ID's portfolio. Do their designs exhibit a cohesive style, or do they demonstrate versatility in adapting to different design preferences? While consistency can indicate a strong design identity, versatility suggests the ID's ability to tailor their designs to meet diverse client needs.

Design Approach

Consider the ID's design approach and philosophy. Are they known for incorporating specific design principles or philosophies into their work, such as minimalist design, maximalist aesthetics, or sustainable practices? Understanding their design ethos can help you determine whether it resonates with your own values and preferences.

Attention to Detail

Evaluate the level of attention to detail evident in the ID's portfolio. Look for craftsmanship, material selection, and the thoughtful integration of architectural elements and decor. Pay close attention to the finishing touches and how they contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal of the space.

Innovation and Creativity

Assess the ID's capacity for innovation and creativity in their designs. Do they demonstrate a willingness to experiment with unconventional materials, layouts, or design concepts? Look for projects that showcase inventive solutions to spatial challenges or unique design features that set them apart from conventional designs.


The initial discussion with an interior designer (ID) sets the tone for the entire renovation process. Here's a deeper exploration of what to expect during this crucial phase:

Communication Dynamics

Assess how the discussion unfolds and whether it feels like a two-way conversation or if the ID dominates the dialogue. A collaborative approach involves active listening on both sides, with the ID seeking to understand your preferences, lifestyle, and design goals before offering suggestions. If the ID appears to be imposing their ideas without considering your input, it may indicate a lack of collaboration and compatibility.

Problem-Solving Skills

Evaluate the ID's problem-solving skills based on how they respond to challenges or constraints presented during the discussion. A skilled ID will approach obstacles with creativity and flexibility, offering viable solutions that align with your vision and practical considerations. Whether it's addressing spatial limitations, budget constraints, or design preferences, the ID should demonstrate adaptability and resourcefulness in overcoming obstacles. Bonus points if they are able to still be creative with the limitations of your project!

Transparency and Honesty

Transparency is key to establishing trust and confidence in the designer-client relationship. The ID should be forthcoming about the feasibility of your ideas, potential limitations, and any factors that may impact the project's success. They should provide clear explanations of their design rationale, material choices, and the implications of various design decisions on the overall project.

Setting Expectations

The discussion phase is an opportunity to clarify expectations and establish a shared understanding of the project scope, timeline, and deliverables. The ID should outline their process, including design development stages, client approvals, and project milestones. Discuss your preferred communication channels and frequency of updates to ensure effective project management and client engagement throughout the renovation journey.

Comfort Level

Reflect on how you feel after your initial meeting. Your comfort level is a crucial indicator of the potential success of your collaboration. Consider whether you felt at ease discussing your ideas, concerns, and expectations with the ID. Did they listen attentively, validate your input, and address any apprehensions you may have had? Pay attention to your gut instincts and intuition regarding the compatibility and rapport established during the meeting. 

Your Contract Checklist

Great, you’ve shortlisted a few IDs, now it’s time to review their contracts! Ensuring clarity and transparency in your contract is essential to avoid misunderstandings and disputes throughout the renovation process. Here's a checklist from Homepay of key aspects to consider when reviewing the contract:


  • Evaluate whether the contract is clearly written and easy to understand. Ambiguities or vague language should be clarified before signing.
  • Ensure that all terms and conditions are explicitly stated, including the responsibilities of both parties, project deliverables, and any limitations or exclusions.
  • Review the contract for any additional clauses or fees that may impact the overall cost or timeline of the project. Common clauses include provisions for change orders, unforeseen expenses, or penalties for project delays.

Scope of Work

  • The scope of work should be clearly defined in the contract. This should outline the specific tasks, services, and deliverables that the ID is responsible for during the renovation.
  • Discuss any limitations or exceptions to the scope of work to avoid misunderstandings later on. 


  • Confirm the agreed timeline for the project, including start and completion dates for each phase of the renovation.
  • Discuss provisions for handling delays or unforeseen circumstances that may impact the project timeline. Determine how delays will be communicated and addressed to minimize disruptions and maintain progress.


  • Enquire about the renovation warranty coverage provided by the ID. Understand what aspects of the renovation are covered under warranty and the duration of coverage.
  • Clarify the terms and conditions of the warranty, including any limitations, exclusions, or requirements for maintenance and upkeep to maintain warranty validity.


  • Discuss the payment method accepted by the ID and ensure it aligns with your preferences and financial capabilities.
  • Review the payment schedule and understand the breakdown of payment tranches. Typically, payments are divided into installments based on project milestones or completion of specific stages.
  • Clarify any upfront deposits required to commence work and ensure transparency regarding the total project cost, including any additional fees or expenses.

Choose the Right ID with Homepay

ID Directory - HomePay's Homeowner App

Selecting the right ID may seem like a tough decision, but it doesn’t have to be! With the new directory feature in our Homepay app, finding the perfect ID has never been easier. All IDs listed on our platform undergo thorough verification processes, so you never have to worry!

Moreover, all IDs on the Homepay app accept Homepay, offering convenience, security, and peace of mind throughout the payment process. HomePay provides various benefits, including holding your funds securely in escrow, transaction management, streamlined payment tranches, and protection against financial disputes or mismanagement.

When screening potential IDs, remember to prioritise trust, compatibility, and expertise. Never feel pressured to say yes to an ID you can't trust or who doesn't align with your vision for your home. Utilise this comprehensive checklist,which you can also find in the Homepay app to ensure clarity, transparency, and accountability in your contract agreements. By leveraging the resources and tools available in our app, you can navigate the process of engaging an interior designer with confidence and ease.. Download the Homepay app today and embark on your renovation journey with peace of mind and assurance!