The Top Renovation Regrets Of 2024 From Homeowners

May 27, 2024

The Top Renovation Regrets Of 2024 From Homeowners

At HomePay, we’re constantly on the lookout to enhance the home renovation experience for homeowners in Singapore. That’s why we set out on the task to gather insights from various homeowners across Singapore, and compiled a list of common renovation regrets. Thanks to the valuable lessons shared by these homeowners, they can help us understand the pitfalls to avoid and provide valuable lessons on the intricacies of the renovation process.

Not Observing Completed Works at Night

Many homeowners only visualise their spaces during the day, as works are usually completed in the day. A noteworthy case involved Homeowners A, who did not realise that a filtered glass panel as their master bathroom door would allow light into the bedroom in the early hours of the morning. This oversight led to sleep disturbances and the need for makeshift solutions to block out the light from the toilet.

Many of us may tend to fixate only on how our house looks with daylight, as that is when we see most home renovation pictures or home tours. That is why while making sure your house looks good in the day is definitely important, it’s also crucial to consider how each room functions at all times of the day, not just in natural daylight. In doing so, you can avoid any inconveniences down the line when your renovation is completed

Not Communicating Measurements Accurately

Miscommunication doesn’t always have to mean your interior designer (ID) going MIA on you and ghosting the groupchat. Sometimes, miscommunication can be as simple as a miscommunication in key detail such as measurements, which can lead to seemingly minor yet frustrating outcomes. For instance, Homeowners B faced an issue where the shower screen in the master bathroom was installed shorter than expected due to unclear communicated measurements. 

For most renovation items that are required to fit in the home, IDs will usually take their own measurements. However, when it comes to items that just need to be “tall enough”, such as the height of a shower screen or a countertop, it’s important to provide your ideal height to your ID. After all, these are measurements that are customised more towards you and not the house.

Not Requesting Samples from IDs

Homeowners C believed they had done their due diligence and considered all potential renovation pitfalls, having read many renovation stories and watched many home tour videos. However, home renovation rarely goes 100% according to plan, and that was what happened. 

While the completed renovation was close to perfection, the couple wished that they could have done some things differently, like requesting samples of materials from their ID before proceeding with the renovation work. As they were unable to visualise how their bathroom tiles would look like. After choosing to go with tiles, the couple realised there were better options out there and eventually sought for a pebble-styled flooring instead, which then completed their beautiful, villa-esque toilets.

While requesting for samples from your interior designer may incur some additional costs, the team at Homepay recommends doing so if it can give you a much clearer idea of what your home can look like and improve the decision making process for you. Remember, the cost of living with regret is far more expensive than the cost of additional samples! 

Choosing the Wrong Interior Designer

When embarking on a renovation project, choosing your ID is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the outcome of your project. Choosing an inexperienced or incompatible designer can lead to a series of renovation challenges, as was the case for the Homeowners D. When researching for their renovation, the homeowners focused more on this vision than on vetting the capabilities and compatibility of their ID. This oversight proved to be a costly mistake as it led to a series of challenging experiences that ultimately ended with the homeowners terminating the renovation contract.

To make matters worse, the ID’s replacement didn't fare much better. The couple engaged a contractor to finish up the renovation, however, he failed to align with their expectations as well. This, compounded with the looming date of their tenancy agreement expiring led to a lot of stress and frustration. 

Looking back at their renovation, one of the critical steps the homeowners missed was asking for a comprehensive portfolio from their potential IDs. A portfolio can serve as a testament to the ID's aesthetic judgement, technical skills, and experience handling projects of similar scale and complexity. Reviewing past work could have provided valuable insights into the ID's approach and execution quality, potentially averting the mismatches.

Thankfully, there are many resources available to help you avoid making this regret. At Homepay, we’ve launched a new feature to help you with making the decision too! In our Homepay app, we have curated an ID directory that consists only of reliable IDs in Singapore. Most importantly, these IDs accept Homepay as a method of payment as well, adding even more security to your decision!

Avoid Renovation Regrets with Homepay

HomePay is dedicated to enhancing the renovation experience in Singapore by providing comprehensive support and tools designed to prevent common renovation regrets and avoid potential nightmares. By integrating several features into our app, we ensure that homeowners can embark on their renovation journeys with confidence and security!

Detailed Contract Review and Payment Management

One of the core features of HomePay is the ability to meticulously review detailed contract clauses and manage payment tranches directly through the app. This functionality allows homeowners to understand fully and agree to the terms of their renovation before any work begins. By having a clear, written agreement, both parties (homeowner and ID) can set expectations correctly, reducing the possibility of disputes over the course of the project.

ID Directory

Choosing an appropriate ID is crucial for a successful renovation. HomePay facilitates this decision-making process with our comprehensive directory of reputable and certified IDs. Each ID in our directory has been vetted to ensure they meet high standards of professionalism and quality. Homeowners can browse through profiles, view portfolios, read reviews from other users, and make an informed choice that best suits their renovation needs and preferences.

Escrow Payment System

Renovation nightmares often stem from financial disputes or mismanagement. To combat this, HomePay uses an escrow payment system, where funds are held securely and only released to the service provider when predetermined milestones are achieved. This system protects homeowners from the risk of paying for incomplete or unsatisfactory work.

HomeProtect: A Safety Net

Recognising the potential for severe disruptions if an ID fails to complete a project, we offer HomeProtect when you pay through Homepay. Homepay is designed to protect you in the event that your ID is unable to finish the renovation, by stepping in and arranging a new ID to complete the project, ensuring that the renovation can be completed without additional undue stress or financial burden.

While it's true that some level of unpredictability in renovations is inevitable, Homepay provides the tools and safeguards to minimise risks and transform the renovation experience into a more predictable and secure venture. Let Homepay help you achieve your dream home renovation, minus the regrets!